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- Afterlife of endless, pointless war, where go the souls of warmongers, sellswords, soldiers without cause, and war criminals who were "just following orders"

- Deathless legions of humans, orcs, and goblins endlessly battle on top of enormous, cube-shaped chunks of iron floating in cold nothingness... the cubes occasioanlly collide with each other, creating violent tremors, great dents and chasms on the surface of each cube, and allowing invasions to occur

- Visiting mortals are often forcefully conscripted into one army or another

- Every face of each cube is strewn with broken weapons, siege equipment, torn banners, and piles upon piles of corpses

- The cubes are pierced by a network of cylindrical tunnels and square caverns, where the deathless legions of Acheron rest and shelter from enemies and cube collisions

- The fiendish river Styx bubbles out of the pits of some cubes, only to disappear down another chasm or tunnel... the river somehow connects several floating cubes, and is a way to travel between the lower planes of existence... but swimming the Styx is imposible, for to touch its poison waters is to have one's memory and identity erased forever. One must hire a yugoloth ferryman, known as a Merrenoloth, to traverse the waters safely.


- Basically a hell dimension for war criminals, and the major afterlife of warmongering orcs and goblins, or those that worship an evil god

- Portal (blue fire ring) can be closed with a hide volume

- Gravity is relative in Acheron, so players and monsters can walk on any face of the cube, or the wall or ceiling of any tunnel or interior chamber, be they horizontal or vertical. Recommend switching on "flying" for any mini that tries to traverse the side of a cube or wall

- Tunnels and caverns inside the cube all have hide volumes, though it can be a bit tricky to select the right hide volume, as the tunnels are stacked on top of each other; worst case, copy-paste the cube's interior passages to a new board to make it easier for players to navigate

Assets from Tales Tavern


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