- Khalas, 1st great volcano of the fiery slopes of Gehenna.
- As bad is it is here, Khalas is known as the "gentle land." Most think the name is ironic, but those who have traversed the horrors of Gehenna's other volcanoes know the "gentle" label is actually literal.
- All gravity is (at minimum) a forty-five degree angle from the ground; there is no flat land on Genenna, and all non-flying creatures feel as if they are constantly on a steep, treacherous slope.... which they are. The most common cause of death here is being scatterd on the slippery rocks a thousand feet down. The second most common cause is lava
- Fiendish yugoloths (a.k.a. daemons) overrun Gehenna, and are some of the most evil and treacherous creatures in existence
- Beware caves, especially volcanic ones (which is most of them); and especially large caves, where dwell pyroclastic dragons
- The cursed River Stryx runs down the mountains and through the caverns of Khalas, and is one of the few ways off Gehenna, but the Styx's poison waters destroy a creature's mind and memory
- A hell dimension loosely based on judaic mythology
- In D&D, the souls of evil bastards who were a little too chaotic and greedy for the nine hells might end up here, and have a very bad time
- Portal (fire ring) can be closed with a hide volume
- The equipment (and corpses) of adventurers who fell to their deaths are strewn about the mountains
- There are 3 caverns to explore, complete with hide volumes, but they're a bit tricky to navigate thanks to the steep, 45-degree angle requirement of every floor, and the obstructive geometry of the cliffside; If you think your players will struggle, recommend you copy-paste the caverns to a clean board and rebuild the hide volumes
- One cavern leads to a shrine of Bhaal, god of murder, whose domain is in Gehenna... the treasure there might curse mortals with murderous urges; the shrine has its own atmosphere marker, and I really struggled with the lighting of the skull; still not fully happy with it
- The largest, lava-filled cavern leads to a caldera boss room, which might be a good lair for a pyroclastic dragon; a massive hoard of treasure awaits in a cave beyond
- The deepest caverns lead to an underground stream connecting to the River Styx, which players can use to get in and out of Gehenna; however, beside the Styx is a bone-filled lair of a monster/fiend, who hoards the treasure of new visitors fresh off the ferry
Assets from Tales Tavern