(from Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement - 1994):
The decatons are the lowest order of officials found in modron society. These creatures appear as 10-tentacled spheres on stumpy legs. The are the overseers of the physical welfare of the base modrons, the voice of the great power to the working class. One decaton is assigned to each sector of the realm. while the remaining 36 serve on the staffs of the 36 legions of the modron army.
Decatons have spell ability equal to that of a 10th-level cleric, but they lack the ability to turn undead. They also have the following spell-like powers, which apply only to other modrons: cure 1 point of damage for all modrons within 144 feet, cure disease in a 12 foot radius, heal by touch up to 10 modrons per round, and remove paralysis by touch for up to 10 modrons per round. These powers are usable one at a time, at will, once per round. Curiously (as are most things modron), the powers affect all modrons whether the decaton recognizes the rank or not.
The spherical decatons fly by generating a light gas within their bodies, rendering them lighter than air. Generally they only rise into the air in order to get an overview of the situation when commanding modron armies.
(from Planescape: Morte's Planar Parade - 2023):
The least of the hierarchs, decatons monitor the physical well-being of base modrons. Two stubby legs support their spherical bodies, and ten mechanical tentacles sprout out from their rounded frames in all directions. Their heads contain ten eyes to readily observe the operations of surrounding base modrons. In emergencies, a decaton can discharge a bolt of electricity from each of its ten eyes, synchronizing them to deadly effect.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 8'2" (XXL)
Lore: Large
Suggested: Large
Other Monikers
Class 10 Hierarch
- Can perform many activities at once
- Sight in many directions at once
- Combat-ready, advantage on initiative
- Spellcasting
- 10 grappling tentacles
- AOE Lightning ray attack
- Axiomatic mind can't be compelled to act contrary to its nature or instructions
- Body disintegrates upon death
- Flight
These creatures appear as 10-tentacled spheres on stumpy legs.
Home Plane
Stat Block
- Monster Manual (2014)
- Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement (1994)