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Large Celestial, Neutral

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif

(from Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix II - 1995):

Very few non-rilmani have ever seen one of these bloods. The aurumachs are the leaders of the rilmani race, the high-ups who call the shots and pull the strings. It’s said that even the powers don’t know half the darks the aurumachs do. More than any other creatures in the entire multiverse, they stand aside from the path of things and objectively measure the state of the Balance, acting to correct it when it leans too far to one side or the other.

The aurumachs’ll almost never be found away from the Spire. As leaders and organizers, it’s not their job to intervene personally, and only the most dangerous situations’ll make them change their policy. Aurumachs don’t make any special effort to avoid visitors, but a cutter’d have to have a tiefling’s own luck to find one — it’s said that there’s only a hundred aurumachs on all the Outlands.

Aurumachs are tall, athletic humanoids with beatific features and metallic golden skin. Their eyes are too brieght to look at directly, and an aura of power and patience surrounds their form. 

Aurumachs are occasionally found in fluted golden plate armor, bearing mighty swords or maces, but at the Spire they rarely need such martial trappings.

Combat: Although they’re the size of ogres, aurumachs are far faster and more graceful than even the most agile humans. They wield mighty enchanted vorpal swords +3 with astounding speed and strength, striking 3 times per round with a +6 attack bonus. The aurumach’s weapon is created by an act of will and materializes in her hand with a thought — she can never be disarmed or caught off-guard. An aurumach’s armor is the equivalent of field plate +4 and can be summoned in a similar fashion to her weapon. Aurumachs have an effective Strength of 20 and can strike for 2d8 points of damage even without their great swords.

Aurumachs can attack with golden energy similar to the rays cast by an argenach. This energy automatically assumes a form that exploits an enemy’s vulnerabilities: fire, ice, positive, negative, etc. Unlike that of the argcnach, this energy is not directed in rays, but instead takes the form of a golden halo surrounding the aurumach at a 15-foot radius. Any hostile creature entering this area must successfully save vs. spell or suffer 2d12 points of damage from the aurumach’s aura. The aura also functions as a globe of invulnerability with an added bonus: it stops missile attacks of any kind.

Aurumachs detect magic and invisibility by sight and can call upon the following spell-like powers: advanced illusion, cone of cold (12d4+12 points of damage), ESP, fly, geas (1/day), hallucinatory terrain, improved invisibility, mass charm, mass suggestion, mirror image, prismatic spray, slow, solid fog or death fog, and wall of fire, of ice, of iron, or of force. Once per day the aurumach can use any symbol or time stop, once per year she can grant another’s wish. Aurumachs can lay on hands three times per day, combining the effects of heal, regeneration, and restoration.

Aurumachs can be damaged only by weapons of +4 or better enchantment. At will they can gate in 1 to 8 ferrumachs (75%) or 1 to 3 argenachs (25%) with an 80% chance of success.

Habitat/Society: Aurumachs know no peer among the rilmani and are the equal of the most powerful fiends or aasimon. The rilmani have no particular order, hierarchy. or system of government — aurumachs function as advisers and mentors to the entire race. Even though an aurumach isn’t recognized as a king or an overlord, her suggestions as sufficient to make any lesser rilmani leap to do her bidding.

Aurumachs leave the Outlands only to deal with the gravest of threats to the balance of the universe. They are remorseless and coldly efficient when such a cause pulls them away from the Spire: cutters who meet them at these times’d be wise not to get on the aurumach’s bad side.

(From Morte's Planar Parade - 2023):

From redoubts near the Spire in the Outlands, aurumachs oversee the preservation of the cosmic status quo, serving as leaders and strategists of the rilmani. Employing mysterious magic, occult calculations, and networks of informants, aurumachs monitor forces across the planes. Only when planar balance is under threat of total collapse do these elusive, gold-skinned beings leave the Outlands, manifesting gleaming blades to destroy those that threaten multiversal stability.

(From 3.5e Fiend Folio - 2003):

Aurumachs are the most powerful rilmani and the de facto leaders of the race. Some cuprilachs and ferrumachs chafe under this rule since the aurumachs sometimes use the lesser rilmani as expendable pawns in their larger plans, and their ability to block thought reading foils the lesser rilmani’s means of divining their ultimate purpose. 

When aurumachs appear in their natural forms, they resemble powerfully muscled, golden-skinned humanoids the size of ogres. Unlike those foul creatures, aurumachs are hairless and smooth-skinned. Their immaculate beauty and calming presence puts most creatures at ease. 

Aurumachs are the diplomats and strategists of the rilmani. When they become personally involved in an affair of balance, it is because all covert means at their disposal have failed. They appear unarmed and unarmored, openly welcoming individuals to speak about the issues at hand and resolve a way to find a middle ground. Should such tactics fail, the aurumachs’ armor and weapons appear in a scintillating flash, and the rilmani achieve with violence what words failed to accomplish. 

In addition to Rilmani, Common, and Undercommon, aurumachs speak Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal, and Sylvan. 

Combat: An aurumach rarely initiates combat, since it prefers to use physical confrontation as a last resort. When it does enter melee, it is a formidable foe that is capable of dealing great damage with each deadly swing of its halberd. An aurumach often flies above a foe and makes trip attempts, and it withholds the use of its antithesis ability and the full fury of its attacks until it becomes clear the foe won’t relent. 

Antithesis (Su): Any creature that is hit by the aurumach’s melee attack or that touches it with a natural weapon or unarmed attack takes a certain kind of damage depending on how its alignment varies from neutral. Chaotic creatures take 2d6 points of lawful damage. Lawful creatures take 2d6 points of chaotic damage. Evil creatures take 2d6 points of holy damage. Good creatures take 2d6 points of unholy damage. Thus, a creature of chaotic good alignment would take an extra 4d6 points of damage (2d6 lawful, 2d6 unholy) each time it was struck by the aurumach. An aurumach can suppress or resume the use of this ability as a free action. 

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—charm monster, cone of cold, greater dispelling, magic circle against chaos, magic circle against evil, magic circle against good, magic circle against law, magic missile, mass suggestion, teleport without error (self plus maximum load of objects only); 3/day—dismissal, fly, forbiddance, heal, mind blank, prismatic spray, true seeing. Caster level 17th; save DC 18 + spell level. 

Summon Rilmani (Sp): Once per day, an aurumach can automatically summon 2d4 ferrumachs or 1d2 cuprilachs (aurumach’s choice). 

Fast Healing (Ex): An aurumach regains lost hit points at the rate of 5 per round as long as it has at least 1 hit point. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffocation, and it does not allow an aurumach to regrow or reattach lost body parts. 

Summon Armor (Su): An aurumach rilmani wears no armor, but when threatened by any attack, a semitranslucent suit of golden +4 full plate appears on its body just in time to help defend against the attack and then vanishes immediately after. The appearance of this armor cannot be prevented, but it can be suppressed in an antimagic field. The armor never affects an aurumach’s speed, weight carried, or skill checks. 

Summon Weapon (Su): An aurumach can be armed in an instant by magically summoning a golden Huge +3 halberd. When separated from the aurumach, the weapon vanishes. An aurumach can summon or dispel its own weapon as a free action.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9'8"(XL)
Lore: Large (10 ft.)
Suggested: Large

Other Monikers

Rilmani Leader, Gold Rilmani

- Incredible strength and agility, even bare-handed
- Summons vorpal sword and enchanted armor out of thin air by their will alone
- Can never be surprised or disarmed
- Golden aura inflicts any damage type enemies are weak to, works as globe of invulnerability and deflects missiles
- Detects magic and invisibility at all times
- Powerful Innate Spellcasting
- Immune to nonmagical weapons
- Summons other rilmani

Aurumachs are tall, athletic humanoids with beatific features and metallic golden skin. Their eyes are too brieght to look at directly, and an aura of power and patience surrounds their form. Aurumachs are occasionally found in fluted golden plate armor, bearing mighty swords or maces, but at the Spire they rarely need such martial trappings.


5th Edition:

- Morte's Planar Parade (2023)

- 5etools

- DndBeyond



2nd Edition:

- mojobob's website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Morte's Planar Parade (2023)

- DndBeyond

- 3.5e Fiend Folio (2003)

- Planescape: Monstrous Compenedium Appendix II (1995)

- mojobob's website

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