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Blue Slaad

Large Aberration, Chaotic Neutral

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994):

Blue slaadi are ruthless warriors that specialize in mass combat. Two long, sharp bone rakes protrude from the back of each hand. They are more lithe and limber than red slaadi and have more elongated snouts. They share the reds vicious temper and bullying manner, and they too wear loincloths.

Combat: The blue slaad fighting style allows them two attacks with each of the razor-sharp bone rakes on each hand (2d6 damage per rake). Thus they have four rake attacks per round, as well as a bite (2d8 damage and 10% chance of infecting the opponent with a rotting disease (like a mummy).

Blue slaadi have the following spell-like abilities, usable one at a time, one per round, at will: hold person (one person only), passwall and telekinesis. Twice a day they can attempt to gate in either 1-2 blue slaadi or 1 green slaad, with a 40% chance of success on each attempt.

Ecology: Blue slaadi can infect wounded and unconscious opponents with a disease similar to lycanthropy. This infection transforms a humanoid victim, over three months’ time, into a red slaad; non-humanoid victims die. The disease is undetectable in the first month except by detect evil or other magic, but its effects become obvious thereafter. Cure disease and other powerful healing magic cures and reverses the infection. To prevent this, slaadi maintain victims as prisoners in temporary camps, along with those infected by red slaadi egg-pellets.

The rivalry between blue and red slaadi is no less real for their interrelationship. Driven by instinctual urges, each type unwillingly spawns the rival color, but after the spawning, each slaad takes no more interest in its creation. Instead they nurture the rival variety’s victims to successful “birth” of a new offspring.

(from D&D 3rd Edition Monster Manual - 2000):

This hulking creature looks like a strapping blue-skinned humanoid toad, as big as an ogre, with almost no neck and a massive, flat head. It is bipedal, with clawed hands and feet. It has wicked-looking, bony hooks on the backs of its hands. 

Blue slaadi gather to wage horrific battles against other societies and their own. They are bullies that value only strength and power. 

A blue slaad is about 10 feet tall and very broad. It weighs about 1,000 pounds. As its name suggests, a blue slaad is mostly blue, darker along the back and paler around the belly. 

Blue slaadi are most often found in groups and work well together—at least, better than red slaadi.

Combat: Blue slaadi are quick to anger, and inclined to attack most other creatures on sight to prove their strength. The bone hooks on the backs of its hands give a blue slaad four claw attacks each round when it makes a full attack. 

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—hold person (DC 13), passwall, telekinesis (DC 15); 1/day—chaos hammer (DC 14). Caster level 8th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. 

Slaad Fever (Su): Supernatural disease—bite, Fortitude DC 18, incubation period 1 day, damage 1d3 Dex and 1d3 Cha. The save DC is Constitution-based. An afflicted humanoid reduced to Charisma 0 by slaad fever immediately transforms into a red slaad. It retains none of the features, traits, memories, or abilities of its former self, and is a normal red slaad in all respects. If the infected being is an arcane spellcaster, the disease instead produces a green slaad. 

Summon Slaad (Sp): Once per day a blue slaad can attempt to summon another blue slaad with a 40% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 4th-level spell.

(from D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual - 2014):

Green slaadi are surprisingly intelligent and possess innate spellcasting ability. A green slaad can change its shape to appear as a humanoid. If it was born of a humanoid host, the slaad usually adopts its host’s form.

At some unpredictable point in its existence, a green slaad unlocks the means to magically, instantly, and permanently transform itself into a gray slaad. Unlocking this knowledge can take years, even decades.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 5 ft. (XXL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium

Other Monikers

Talon Slaad


- Claw attacks infect victim with chaos phage, transforming them into red slaadi within days
- Resistant to acid, lightning, cold, fire, thunder
- Magic Resistance
- Regeneration
- Telepathy


This hulking creature looks like a strapping blue-skinned humanoid toad, as big as an ogre, with almost no neck and a massive, flat head. It is bipedal, with clawed hands and feet. It has wicked-looking, bony hooks on the backs of its hands.

Home Plane


Stat Block

5th Edition:

- 5etools

- DnDBeyond

- Monster Manual (2014) 

3rd Edition:


2nd Edition:

- Mojobob's Website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- DnDBeyond

- Monster Manual (2014)

- Monster Manual 3rd Edition (2000)

- Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)

- Mojobob's Website

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