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Gray Slaad

Medium Aberration, Chaotic Neutral

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(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994):

A green slaad that lives to advanced age (a century or so) sometimes withdraws into wilderness isolation. Most are never seen again, but after a year or more some slaadi return to their fellows as gray slaadi. Uninterested in lesser slaadi, grays become fascinated by power and magic, apparently seeking the near-immortality of the most powerful slaadi, the death slaadi (see below).

Combat: Gray slaadi attack with two claws (2d4+2 damage each) and bite (2d8 damage). They can shapechange into the form of the original host, in which they often wield a magical weapon (DM’s choice). Gray slaadi are hit only by +1 or better weapons.

Gray slaadi as a group have demonstrated the following spell-like powers, usable one at a time, one per round, at will: advanced illusion, darkness, 15’ radius, fear, flame strike, infravision, invisibility, know alignment, lightning bolt, power word blind (once per day), symbol (pain, once per day), and wind walk. No individuai gray slaad has demonstrated all these powers. Twice a day gray slaadi can attempt to gate in 1-4 more grays with a 60% chance of success. Some can enchant an item given sufficient time and materials.

(from D&D 3rd Edition Monster Manual - 2000):

Lean and quick-looking, this humanoid resembles a two-legged frog. Its skin is a dappled gray color, and its fingers are long and clawed. It stands as tall as a human. 

A green slaad that survives for more than a century retreats into isolation for at least a year. It returns as a smaller, leaner gray slaad and devotes most of its time and attention to magical study. Gray slaadi enjoy crafting magic items to further their own power. 

Combat: Gray slaadi prefer to fight from a distance, using their spell-like abilities, although they don’t shy away from melee. 

Spell-Like Abilities: At will—chaos hammer (DC 16), deeper darkness, detect magic, identify, invisibility, lightning bolt (DC 15), magic circle against law, see invisibility, shatter (DC 14); 3/day—animate objects, dispel law (DC 17), fly; 1/day—power word stun. Caster level 10th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. 

Change Shape (Su): A gray slaad can assume any humanoid form as a standard action. In humanoid form, a gray slaad cannot use its natural weapons (although a slaad can equip itself with weapons and armor appropriate to its appearance). A gray slaad remains in one form until it chooses to assume a new one. A change in form cannot be dispelled, but the slaad reverts to its natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals its natural form. 

Summon Slaad (Sp): Twice per day a gray slaad can attempt to summon 1–2 red slaadi or 1 blue slaad with a 60% chance of success, or 1 green slaad with a 40% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell.

(from D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual - 2014):

Outside of Limbo, gray slaadi act as living extensions of the will of their masters, the death slaadi. A gray slaad journeys to the Material Plane on errands of doom, often taking humanoid form. A gray slaad learns how to master the use of a greatsword and imbue it with its own innate magic.

A gray slaad that eats the entire corpse of a dead death slaad instantly transforms into a death slaad.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9 ft. (XXL)
Lore: Medium
Suggested: Medium

Other Monikers

Rift Slaad


- Shapechanger
- Innate Spellcasting
- Magic Weapons
- Resistant to acid, lightning, cold, fire, thunder
- Magic Resistance
- Regeneration
- Blindsight, Telepathy


Lean and quick-looking, this humanoid resembles a two-legged frog. Its skin is a dappled gray color, and its fingers are long and clawed. It stands as tall as a human.

Home Plane


Stat Block

5th Edition:

- 5etools

- DnDBeyond

- Monster Manual (2014) 

3rd Edition:


2nd Edition:

- Mojobob's Website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- DnDBeyond

- Monster Manual (2014)

- Monster Manual 3rd Edition (2000)

- Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)

- Mojobob's Website

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