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Medium Fiend (Yugoloth), Neutral Evil

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(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994):

Dergholoths are native to the Gray Waste but inhabit Carceri and Gehenna as well. These lesser yugoloths serve as rank-and-file mercenaries in the Blood War.

Dergholoths have round bodies with five arms and three legs. Their insect-like heads rotate 360 degrees, so they can move and change direction with astonishing speed. They are extremely strong but also stupid.

Dergholoths communicate using telepathy.

Combat: In the Waste the dergboloth are never surprised. Their five arms end in stubby, four-clawed hands. They have Strength 20 (+8 damage adjustment). Each may have weapons, as determined below, but dergholoths never carry magical weapons.

Roll:      Attacks (Damage per Attack):

01-60 = 5 claws (1d4+8)

61-85 = 4 claws (1d4+8), 1 sword (1d8+8)

86-95 = 3 claws (1d4+8), 1 sword (1d8+8), 1 spear (1d6+8)

96-00 = 2 claws (1d4+8), 1 sword (1d8+8), 1 spear (1d6+8), 1 battle axe (1d8+8)

If the first two claw attacks hit, the dergholoth has grabbed its opponent and gets a +2 bonus on its attack rolls on that opponent; however, the two grabbing arms cannot attack. Grabbed opponents can fight, but cannot move or retreat until they break free (by making a Strength check against half their current Strength score).

Armed dergholoths can parry with their weapons instead of attacking. For each weapon used to parry, the dergholoth’s Armor Class improves by 2. For example, if a dergholoth with three weapons decides to attack with one weapon and parry with two of them, its armor Class becomes -7 for the melee round.

Once per day, a dergholoth can chatter senselessly by clicking its mouth pincers rapidly. This has the effect of feeblemind spell on any creature of less than 7 HD that hears the attack. Those beings must save vs. spells or be feebleminded for 1-6 melee rounds, after which they will return to normal.

In addition to those available to all yugoloths, dergholoths can use the following spell-like abilities: darkness 15’ radius, fear, and sleep (twice per day).

Dergholoths are immune to attacks from nonmagical weapons. The material form of a dergholoth may be destroyed but it reforms within a few days.

Habitat/Society: Dergholoths are treated poorly in yugoloth society. Not nearly as powerful as many of the other types, they receive constant abuse from their betters. This makes the dergholoths mean, which in turn serves the yugoloths well.

Dergholoths make up many of the yugoloth mercenary companies, but despite their stupidity, they are stubborn and difficult to control. They fight only because more powerful yugoloths compel them. They do not understand the Blood War or know of the profits that higher yugoloths make from their fighting.

When not fighting, dergholoths wander the Waste, sometimes in huge, milling groups up to 500 strong. They spend their time either stealing larvae from the night hags or waiting for a fight.

Ecology: How dergholoths are created is still a mystery. None have ever been properly examined. Some speculate that ultroloths transform erring underlings into dergholoths for a specified time (a millenium, perhaps) as punishment.

(from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes - 2018):

Dhergoloths rush into battle like whirlwinds of destruction, lashing out with five sets of claws, which extend from their squat, barrel-shaped bodies. They take contracts to put down uprisings, clear out rabble, and eliminate scouts and skirmishers, and they revel in the butchery they create, their unhinged laughter rising above their victims’ screams.

Since dhergoloths are little more than dumb brutes, employers must use caution when instructing these fiends. They can handle simple orders that don’t take a lot of time to resolve. When given anything complex to do, they either forget what they’re told or don’t listen in the first place, and then bungle the task that was set for them.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9'2" (XXL)
Lore: Medium (5e), Large (2e, 3e)
Suggested: Medium to Large

Other Monikers

Dergholoths, derghodaemons, derghodemons


- 5 clawed arms flail in AOE attack
- Innate Spellcasting
- Immune to acid, poison
- Magic Resistance
- Resistant to Cold, Fire, Lightning; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
- Teleport
- Blindsight, telepathy


Dergholoths have round bodies with five arms and three legs. Their insect-like heads rotate 360 degrees, so they can move and change direction with astonishing speed.

Home Plane

Gray Waste & Gehenna

Stat Block

5th Edition:

- 5etools

- DnDBeyond

- Modrenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)

2nd Edition:

- Mojobob's Website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- DnDBeyond

- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)

- Planescape: Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)

- Mojobob's Website

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