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Medium Fiend (Yugoloth), Neutral Evil

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(from Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I - 1994):

Ultroloths are the strange, enigmatic rulers of the yugoloths. These creatures hold sway over their underlings by force of will and a reputation for cruelty.

These ruling yugoloths appear as faceless humanoids with large eyes that resemble fire-opals. They have dark gray skin and typically wear flowing capes or cloaks.

Ultroloths communicate using telepathy.

Combat: Ultroloths, though evil, are cerebral and reserved. They rarely enter combat and rarely have to. They are never surprised. They can attack with two hand strikes (1d12 energy damage each). Ultroloths have Strength 21 (+9 damage adjustment with weapons).

Ultroloths wield swords and polearms (always of +2 or greater enchantment) with expert precision. Four out of ten such weapons have a special enchantment (vorpal, etc.), determined randomly. A very few of these special weapons are extremely powerful; choose their specific abilities, including restrictions or curses. An ultroloth always knows its weapon’s full abilities.

Any creature who meets the gaze of the ultroloth must save vs. spell or stop, fascinated (as if affected by a hold person spell) by the coursing colors and patterns. If the victim saves, the ultroloth can use a special form of alter self to appear as a person whom the victim loves or respects.

In addition to those available to all yugoloths, ultroloths have the following spell-like abilities at 15th level of spell use: airwalk, animate object, bind, call lightning, color spray (7 times per day), control winds, detect invisibility, detect lie, detect magic, detect poison, detect scrying (all detect spells always active), ESP, fear, fire storm (once per day), geas, know alignment (always active), mass suggestion (once per day), passwall, pass without trace (always active), read magic (always active), shout, solid fog, symbol (any type, once per day), and wall of fire. Ultroloths can also automatically gate in one yugoloth of each of the nine weaker types (arcanoloth, canoloth, dergoloth, gacholoth, hydroloth, mezzoloth, nycaloth, piscoloth, yagnoloth), once per day per type.

No nonmagical attack affects an ultroloth. They are harmed only by weapons of +3 or greater magical enchantment. Yugoloths have infravision to 240’.

Habitat/Society: No lower-planar mercenary dares disobey an ultroloth for fear of cruel punishment. Even non-yugoloths in the Lower Planes steer clear of the ultroloths, fearing their powers.

Note that the ultroloth’s actual power, though certainly respectable, does not greatly exceed some others of its kind. However, ultroloths maintain an air of mystery, so that few yugoloths of lesser power know their true abilities. Ultroloths also typically have enormous presence, shrewdness, and force of will, nonmagical qualities that often overshadow the most powerful enchantments.

Ecology: Ultroloths are the ultimate level of the corruption of the yugoloths. Little occurs in the mercenary ranks that these beings do not know about.

(from 5th Edition Monster Manual - 2014):

Ultroloths command the yugoloth armies of the Blood War. An ultroloth looks like a slender gray-skinned humanoid with an elongated head. Its face bears no features except for two ovoid eyes. These eyes can become sparkling pools of light that can transfix other creatures and leave them reeling and helpless.

Frequently at one another’s throats, ultroloths continually scheme to enhance their own power. When not employed to fight in the Blood War, ultroloths lead yugoloth forces throughout the planes, acting as crime bosses or commanders of evil mercenary companies.

With a reputation for cruelty, ultroloths command their minions to fight while the ultroloths stay removed from combat themselves. Lesser yugoloths know their place when facing an ultroloth and respond to its summons without demand for payment.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 9'11" (XL)
Lore: Medium (6-6.5 ft.)
Suggested: Medium

Other Monikers

Ultrodaemons, ultrodemons


- Longsword attacks are magical
- Hypnotic gaze stuns victims
- Innate Spellcasting
- Immune to acid, poison
- Magic Resistance
- Resistant to Cold, Fire, Lightning; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
- Summon yugoloths
- Teleport
- Blindsight, telepathy


These ruling yugoloths appear as faceless humanoids with large eyes that resemble fire-opals. They have dark gray skin and typically wear flowing capes or cloaks.

Home Plane

Gray Waste & Gehenna

Stat Block

5th Edition:

- Angry Golem Games

- DnDBeyond

- Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes (2018)

3rd Edition:

2nd Edition:

- Mojobob's Website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- Angry Golem Games

- DnDBeyond

- Monster Manual (2014)

- Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I (1994)

- Mojobob's Website

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