(from Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement - 1994):
Quartons administer the 16 sectors of the modron realm and oversee the operation of the bureau, sector governors, and army units attached to their regions. Each quarton has a personal staff of those hierarchs assigned to his command, plus 36 pentadrones that act as a guard unit. (These pentadrones can only be told to guard the object resembling the quarton, without ever understanding its role or purpose in their lives.)
Quartons are 12-foot-tall humanoids with four jointed arms and fanlike wings. They cast spells as 16th-level priests.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 5'1" (XXL)
Lore: Large
Suggested: Large
Other Monikers
Class 4 Hierarch
- Combat ready: advantage on initiative
- Spellcasting
- 4 slam attacks
- Immune to charm, frightened. phsycic
- Resistant to Lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
- Magic Resistance
- Axiomatic mind can't be compelled to act contrary to its nature or instructions
- Body disintegrates upon death
- Truesight
- Flight
Quartons are 12-foot-tall humanoids with four jointed arms and fanlike wings.
- Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement (1994)