(from Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement - 1994):
The highest of base modrons, pentadrones serve as the police of the base population and as intermediaries between the base modrons and the godlike (in their view) decaton hierarchs. The pentadrones receive instructions passed down by the rules of Mechanus and see that they are implemented by the quadrones, policing them as necessary.
As five-function beings, these creatures can communicate, operate, monitor, plan, and manage. They can also react to unplanned situations. In the armies of the modrons, a dozen of them are always assigned to each regimental headquarters as an elite unit, while others actually command the regiment.
These five-armed creatures resemble starfish on thin, stiltlike legs. In addition to powerful arm attacks and an effective 18/00 Strength score, pentadrones have a paralysis gas which they emit in a stream 2 feet in diameter and 5 feet in length. Any creature caught within this stream must successfully save vs. paralysis or remain immobile for five rounds. Pentadrones can use this gas stream no more than once every five turns, with a maximum of five uses per day.
Alternately, the pentadrones can use this gas to levitate (as 5th-level wizards).
Pentadrones can survive virtually any environment, withstanding temperature extremes from 210 degrees to -100 degrees F without discomfort. Cold, fire, and acid attacks receive a -2 modifier per die of damage. They are immune to illusion and mind-affecting magic, and only weapons of +1 or better enchantment will harm them.
Pentadrones have double human senses and double normal infravision (180-foot-range).
(from D&D 5th Edition Monster Manual - 2014):
Pentadrones oversee Mechanus’s worker populace and can improvise in response to new situations.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 7" (XXL)
Lore: Large
Suggested: Large
Other Monikers
Class 5 Drone
- Can perform 5 activities at once
- Sight and speech in 5 directions at once
- Knockout gas attack
- Axiomatic mind can't be compelled to act contrary to its nature or instructions
- Body disintegrates upon death
- 5 powerful bludgeoning appendages in a starfish shape
These five-armed creatures resemble starfish on thin, stiltlike legs.
Home Plane
Stat Block
- Monster Manual (2014)
- Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement (1994)