(from Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement - 1994):
Quintons are the major bureau chiefs and records keepers of Mechanus. Each has a sexton assistant, seven septons, and one octon as its staff. There are bureaus in each of the sectors and quarter towers, five main bureaus in Primus’s tower at the capitol, and each of these bureaus is headed by a quinton.
Quintons look like tall, stocky humanoids with four flexible arms jutting out from the shoulders. Prehensile tails serve as the creatures’ fifth arms. They have fanlike wings similar to those of the hextons. As a symbol of rank, the quintons have a diamond inscribed in their foreheads.
Quintons are capable of casting legend lore as if the questioned object or person were at hand (1d4 rounds). They may detect good/evil at will and may cast spells as 15th-level priests.
Alternate Versions
Hero Forge: 6'7" (XXL)
Lore: Large
Suggested: Large
Other Monikers
Class 5 Hierarch
- Combat ready: advantage on initiative
- Spellcasting
- 5 slam attacks
- Immune to charm, frightened. phsycic
- Resistant to Lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
- Magic Resistance
- Axiomatic mind can't be compelled to act contrary to its nature or instructions
- Body disintegrates upon death
- Truesight
- Flight
Quintons look like tall, stocky humanoids with four flexible arms jutting out from the shoulders. Prehensile tails serve as the creatures’ fifth arms. They have fanlike wings similar to those of the hextons. As a symbol of rank, the quintons have a diamond inscribed in their foreheads.
Home Plane
Stat Block