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Large Construct, Lawful Neutral

Deva Movanic Male-turnaround.gif


(from Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement - 1994):

Septons are officials who maintain order and see that all regulations have been obeyed. Seven of them serve each hexton assigned to the quintons. The septons travel from place to place as inspectors and examiners of work and records, and they are charged with transferral of information from outlying areas to the towers of the regions, quarters, and the capitol tower itself.

Septons appear as humanoids with large bald heads. They have shoulder collars similar to those of octons, although they are smaller and, while insufficient to propel them through the air, they provide excellent transport underwater.

In order to assure the proper performance of their duties, each septon has seven senses which operate continuously: hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch, ESP (30-foot range), and detect magic. They also are powerful spellcasters, having the abilities of a 13th-level priest and a 12th-level wizard.

Septons, as with all hierarchs that do not have psionic ability, are completely immune to psionic attacks and combat.

(from Planescape: Morte's Planar Parade - 2023):

Septons are auditors of base modrons in Mechanus, recording the activities in each of the plane’s sectors to ensure operations are in perfect order. They are easily identified by their seven flexible limbs.

Alternate Versions


Hero Forge: 7 ft. (XXL)
Lore: Large
Suggested: Large

Other Monikers

Class 7 Hierarch


- Combat ready: advantage on initiative
- Spellcasting
- 7 Piercing, grappling tentacles
- AOE Lightning Network stunning attack
- Resistant to Lightning & Psychic damage
- Axiomatic mind can't be compelled to act contrary to its nature or instructions
- Body disintegrates upon death
- Truesight
- Flight, swim speed


Septons appear as humanoids with large bald heads. They have shoulder collars similar to those of octons, although they are smaller and, while insufficient to propel them through the air, they provide excellent transport underwater.

Home Plane


Stat Block

5th Edition:

- 5etools

- DnDBeyond

- Planescape: Morte's Planar Parade (2023)

3rd Edition:


2nd Edition:

- Mojobob's Website


- Forgotten Realms Wiki

- DnDBeyond

- Planescape: Morte's Planar Parade (2023)

- Planescape Campaign Setting Monstrous Supplement (1994)

- Mojobob's Website

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